Due to the rising costs of higher education and all-time high student loan debt levels, individuals and families are relying more than ever on advisors to help them navigate the financial complexities associated with saving for and paying for college. This course is designed for advisors and financial professionals who wish to become more knowledgeable in the areas of education funding, financial aid planning, and student loan advising.
Due to the rising costs of higher education and all-time high student loan debt levels, individuals and families are relying more than ever on advisors to help them navigate the financial complexities associated with saving for and paying for college. This course is designed for advisors and financial professionals who wish to become more knowledgeable in the areas of education funding, financial aid planning, and student loan advising.
The following topics will be covered in the course: education funding, financial aid planning, planning with education tax deductions and credits, student loan advising, practical planning strategies for high-income and high-net-worth individuals, practical planning strategies for business owners, practical planning strategies for divorced couples and blended/modern families, and practical planning strategies for grandparents.
Developed by the American Institute of Certified College Financial Consultants and powered by the Investments & Wealth Institute, the curriculum combines a best-in-class learning experience with practical takeaways that can be applied immediately to add value for individuals and families across all income and wealth spectrums.
Included Content:
This foundations course is segmented into five learning modules:
Module 1: Education Funding
Module 2: Financial Aid Planning
Module 3: Planning with Education Tax Deductions and Credits
Module 4: Student Loan Advising
Module 5: Practical Planning Strategies for Different Client Groups
Continuing Education (CE) Credit:
Investments & Wealth Institute
-15 hours of CE credit, including 6 tax & regulations CE credits, for CIMA®, CPWA®, and RMA® certifications
-Learners must view the content of each module and pass the corresponding quiz with a 70% or higher passing grade to complete the course.
-Credit is automatically uploaded to your certification record(s) at one time, upon completion of the full program, which requires obtaining a 70% grade or higher on each of the module quizzes. Credit can take up to 24 hours to be reflected.
CFP Board
-15 hours of CE credit for CFP® certification
-Learners must view the content of each module and pass the corresponding quiz with a 70% or higher passing grade to complete the course.
-Credit will be reported to CFP Board on your behalf within 2 weeks of completion of the full program, which requires obtaining a 70% grade or higher on each of the module quizzes. The CFP ID field on your Institute account must be complete and accurate for this process to take place. To verify: log in to your account, navigate to the "dashboard", and click "update my demographic information" on the right-hand side to locate the CFP ID field.
Strategic Partners:
Learners have access to the content for one year upon purchase.