This session focuses on evaluating retirement income portfolios in an asset/liability framework. Metrics of interest are initial and continued feasibility of the investor’s retirement income goals, continued sustainability of the investor’s income targets throughout the applicable planning horizon, and the investor’s financial security against unanticipated expenses. Client goals may include income, gifting, and bequest objectives. The monitoring and evaluation process encompasses both investment simulation modelling and actuarial calculations. Client reporting is relative to specific often, multiple objectives. The advisor reports periodic progress towards or away from the client-defined goals. Reports illustrate a variety of asset management elections as either bull or bear markets emerge.
Patrick Collins, PhD, CFA®, CLU®
Founding Principal of Schultz Collins
Premier Continuing Education (CE):
- 1 hour of CE credit for CIMA®, CPWA®, and RMA® certifications
- Credit is automatically uploaded to your certification record(s) but can take up to 24 hours to be reflected
- One year from the date purchased