Investor research from the Investments & Wealth Institute and Absolute Engagement highlights changing client preferences ranging from what’s important to them, how they’d like to engage, and what they value in an advisor. As a result, nearly one-third of clients are re-thinking their advisor relationships. Gain insights from moderator Meghan McCartan and three exceptional advisors who have experienced exponential growth in the last few years. You will learn about what clients want and how each advisor has created a foundational strategy to grow their practice to deliver substantive value to high-net-worth clients.
Meghan McCartan, Managing Director, Head of Marketing, Hightower
Lauren Pearson, CFP®, Managing Director, Partner, Somerset Advisory
Justin Winters, CFA®, CFP®, Managing Director, Partner, Treasury Partners
Alexandra Miele, CFP®, Managing Director, Partner, The Andriole Group
Premier Continuing Education (CE):
- 1 hour of CE credit for CIMA®, CPWA®, and RMA® certifications
- Credit is automatically uploaded to your certification record(s) but can take up to 24 hours to be reflected
- One year from the date purchased